Standard Data file index
IODP Expedition 311 - Hole U1326D

   The files below are the final results of the processing described in the standard processing notes. The data are in tab-delimited ASCII (text) format and can be opened in any text editor or spreadsheet software.    Alternatively, click on csv to download them as a comma-separated values (.csv) text file.

List of the file names: Standard Data file dictionary
List of IODP-USIO acronyms

Standard Data files:
Dual Induction Tool - Pass 1  (36 KB)

Dual Induction Tool - Pass 2  (46 KB)

Dipole Sonic Imager - Pass 1  (100 KB)

Dipole Sonic Imager - Pass 2  (109 KB)

Miscellaneous Measurements - Dual Induction Tool String - Pass 1  (72 KB)

Miscellaneous Measurements - Dual Induction Tool String - Pass 2  (92 KB)

Scintillation Gamma Ray Tool - Pass 1  (22 KB)

Scintillation Gamma Ray Tool - Pass 2  (28 KB)

Follow the link to any individual file to access it directly, or return to the hole data summary and select the appropriate link to download all the files as a compressed archive (full archive size = 201 KB).