Geochemical Data file index
ODP Leg 134 - Hole 831B

The data are in tab-delimited ASCII (text) format and can be opened in any text editor or spreadsheet software. Alternatively, click on csv to download them as comma-separated values (.csv).

List of the file names: Geochemical Data file dictionary
List of ODP acronyms

Geochemical Data files:
Calcium Carbonate / Oxides Core Data  (78 KB)

Element Errors  (218 KB)

Natural Gamma Ray Spectrometry Tool  (193 KB)

Calcium Carbonate / Oxides  (246 KB)

Calcium Carbonate / Oxides Errors  (439 KB)

Elemental Yields  (342 KB)

Follow the link to any individual file to access it directly, or return to the hole data summary and select the appropriate link to download all the files as a compressed archive (full archive size = 562 KB).