Temperature Data Processing


Wireline Standard Data Processing


ODP logging contractor: LDEO-BRG

Hole: 896A

Leg: 148

Location: Costa Rica Rift (tropical NE Pacific Ocean)

Latitude: 13.006' N

Longitude: 83° 49.392' E

Logging date: March, 1993

Bottom felt: 3459 mbrf (used for depth shift to sea floor)

Total penetration: 469 mbsf

Total core recovered: 73.7 m (26.9 %)


Water Depth: 3447.8 mbsl

Temperature Tool Used: LDEO-TLT

Depth versus time recording available: NO


Logging Runs


Logging string 1: ACT/GST/NGT

Wireline heave compensator was used to counter ship heave.


Tool Information


The LDEO-TLT tool is a self-contained, high precision, low-temperature logging tool that is attached to the bottom of the Schlumberger tool strings. The tool provides two temperature measurements (in degree Celsius, recorded by a fast-response and a slow-response thermistor.  The fast-response thermistor, though low in accuracy, is able to detect sudden, small temperature excursions caused by fluid flow between the formation and the borehole. The highly accurate, slow-response thermistor can be used to estimate heat flow. Pressure and the two temperature measurements are recorded as a function of time: conversion to depth can be based on the pressure reading (Legs 123-157) or, preferably, on simultaneous recording (by Schlumberger) of depth and time (Legs 159-181).


Data Processing


A linear relationship of pressure versus depth has been calculated from the pressure reading at the mudline and at the total logging depth for each logging run. The pressure at the mudline corresponds to the pressure recorded by the tool during the calibration stop (about 5 minutes), which takes place at the mudline on each logging run. The pressure readings are then converted to depth using a pressure/depth conversion that is linearly interpolated between the values determined at the mudline and total logging depth.


Depth = BD *(Pressure-MudlineP)/(Pmax- MudlineP)




Depth = mbsf

BD = bottom depth (mbsf)

Pressure = bars

Mudline P = bars

Pmax = pressure at bottom depth (bars)


This procedure does not fully account for the vagaries of the pressure readings that result in lots of ups and downs in the generated depth channel. Further problems arise because of pumping during logging operations, which affects the pressure, especially when the Side Entry Sub is used. Also, whenever heavy pills of mud are used, the pressure-depth calculation is affected, resulting in a non-linear effect that is difficult to account for. If the pressure conversion coefficient is recalculated for the mudline, the resultant total depth is often wrong.


The following processing has been performed at Hole 896A:


Logging Run: ACT/GST/NGT

Mudline P=338 bars

Pmax=392 bars at 347 mbsf

Depth  = 347*(Pressure - 338)/(392 - 338)

Depth calculated from pressure at mudline and bottom of logged interval.

In order to eliminate some of the noise, the pressure data have been smoothed using a 25-sample window.


Information about the temperature logging operations can be found in the Site Chapter (Operations, Downhole Measurements, and Heat Flow sections), ODP IR volume 148.


Cristina Broglia
Phone: 845-365-8343
Fax: 845-365-3182
E-mail: Cristina Broglia